Following a successful application process, the Gronau public library and the Grüne-Aue School have been able to establish the first reading club in Gronau as part of their educational partnership. The reading club is a leisure-oriented program for children aged 6-12. The aim is to provide educationally disadvantaged children with a low-threshold offer in their neighborhood in order to weaken the link between social background and personal educational path. With the help of dedicated volunteers who read to the children, read with them, talk to them about what they have read, do handicrafts, paint, do research (and much more), the aim is to awaken children's interest in books and discover the joy of reading. Because one thing is clear: reading is a key skill for academic and professional success and for personal development. "Reading trains empathy, fantasy, critical thinking and imagination," explains Ms. Kammholz, Head of the Gronau Public Library. Ms. Borninkhof, deputy principal of Grüne-Aue-Schule, is delighted with the opportunity to get children excited about reading: "Reading is a beautiful thing! If we can get children to recognize that, we've already achieved a lot!"
The reading club will take place twice a week in the afternoon on the premises of the Grüne-Aue School.
We are looking for more volunteer reading mentors for the reading club. If you are interested in joining the reading club, please contact Ms. Kammholz at the Gronau City Library( or Ms. Borninkhof at the Grüne-Aue School(